Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Cloud App Performance Problem


So I get a call from a customer complaining that their cloud-based production application is slooooow.


Customer believes the problem is “the network”.

So I load up Wireshark on the customer’s PC and ask the them to open the application and login.


After typing in their username and password, the computer sat there thinking for almost (3) minutes.

Afterwards, I analyzed the Wireshark trace.


I noticed…

Packet#66: (100) seconds after the login process began the customer’s PC ends conversation (FIN,ACK) (BAD - WHY DOES CLIENT SOFTWARE WAIT 100 SECONDS INTO LOGON AND THEN DECIDE TO END CONVERSATION?)

Packet#69: another (50) seconds later customer PC decides to initiate another conversation (TCP SYN) (BAD - WHY DOES CLIENT SOFTWARE WAIT ANOTHER 50 SECONDS AND THEN BEGIN A NEW CONVERSATION?)

All the while what the customer saw on their screen was the logon dialog-box sitting there thinking and then they received a message stating they were successfully logged in.

Root cause of the issue is clearly NOT the network but rather slow PC Client Software.

Opened up a trouble-ticket with the cloud-app service provider. We’re waiting to hear back.

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